Gene Rinderknecht – Being Patient

Patience is a virtue, something that many people have heard but few understand and even fewer adhere to. The reason people advocate patience so much is because there are many times in our lives where we come across issues that we don’t fully understand or we cannot entirely control. Say that you are waiting at a bus stop to go to a job interview and the bus is late. Even though you were on time and fully dressed, preparing for your interview, the bus is a factor that is out of your control, causing you to be late for the interview and leaving a bad impression.

The reason that patience is important in this particular scenario is because it will affect your mood, and whether or not you present yourself well in the interview. Life is full of things we cannot control, it is how we react to these things that define us, making us who we are as people. For instance, you can take the bus being late with a grain of salt, understand that sometimes complications occur, and use the extra time to prepare more for your interview. This is an example of being patient.

The other option is to yell at the bus driver for making you look bad, blaming outside factors and stewing in your own bad luck. By the time you get to your interview your presentation is poor because you cannot hide the irritation from before. Patience would have prevented all of this. With inner strength and a bit of patience you can overcome any obstacle that you come across in life, even if it seems impossible.

Gene Rinderknecht

Gene Rinderknecht

Gene Rinderknecht is a certified veterinarian whose own patience and integrity has made him a sought after professional in the field. His clients respect him for his mild manner and steady hand.

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