How to Start a Book

Starting your own book can be a great experience, but many don’t know where to begin. The first thing is to simply come up with an idea. Before you begin writing your book, you will need to have an idea. This is the seed from where your book grows. Ideas will come when you open yourself to more experiences, so the best way to get an idea for a book is to go out and do things. Starting concepts can take many forms. You can have an idea for the general plot; you can have an image of an environment, an outline for a main character, or even smaller, less developed ideas. It does not matter how rough it is, any idea can turn into a magnificent book. Writing about yourself and your early life’s experiences can be very rewarding. It can be passed on to your children and grandchildren and give them new insight into the environment you were raised in. I carried a laptop computer with me and when I recalled a child hood story or event, I would enter it into the computer. With the advent of tablets, this task can be even easier.

Gene Rinderknecht

Books are amazing in the sense that they can capture the feel and ambiance of an entire generation, sometimes giving people a better understanding of the world than if they had been in it themselves. Capturing your past is a great place to start when creating a book. Every life is a story, an adventure that takes place across a time period, intertwining with the stories of others until it becomes one seamless strand of time. Recording your own life will not only give you a sense of direction when making a book, but also help you get better acquainted with yourself.

Gene Rinderknecht is a professional veterinarian who has written his own auto-biography titled “The Memories of a Golden Time.”