Dealing With Occupational Stress

Especially in the fast paced modern world of today, finding a moment to yourself can be something that is nearly impossible. There is just so much to do in a day and not enough daylight to do it. This is a sentiment that is shared by many people, especially those who have families and careers of their own. Often it seems that work takes precedent over everything and can sometimes feel like you are being buried under an avalanche of things to do. If this feels like you then it is time for you to take a step back and a big breath of air. The first thing you have to understand is that living that lifestyle is very detrimental to your health. Stress has been labeled as one of the most efficient killers of our generation. With that in mind, finding a way to unwind and be at peace with yourself has been more important than ever.

Gene Rinderknecht

No matter what job you have, no matter how demanding, there is always extra time for you to have to yourself. Though it may be difficult for you to see that while you are caught up in the rat race, by simply removing yourself from the flow you will find that there is indeed an opportunity for relaxation. Even if it is just a few minutes while you wait for a flight, try closing your eyes and counting your breathing, letting your mind wander to any world you see fit. You would be surprised how much something as simple as a five minute meditation can help.

Gene Rinderknecht is a veterinarian who loves to unwind by tending to his garden or watching a good football game with friends. He has learned well how to deal with occupational stress over the years.